Charity tin campaign launch
President, Dean Shelton with Ammex director, Marjoleine Miranda
The Duquesa Charitable Society of St George is about to launch its collection tin campaign with the charity’s tins going into local shops, bars, restaurants, etc., where clients can give their spare change all in a good cause.
The cost of the tins and their labels has been very kindly funded by local community administration company Ammex, and there are some forty tins which will be distributed over the next week or two by Sarah King who has kindly volunteered to manage this side of the fund raising operation.
Talking of good causes the charity will shortly be organising a presentation with donations going to a number of local charities and associations.
Check out the charity’s Facebook page at for more information on this and other forthcoming events.
If you would like to help, either in the shop or at events then please visit the shop during opening hours or telephone: 622 123 241.